Sunday, July 12, 2020

Kitne Chaurahe

Author - Phanishwar Nath Renu
Type - Short Novel (150 Pages)

The story references pre independent India from 1920s to 1940s with epilogue ending in 1960s.

The story is about a young kid who moves from his village to city for higher education. During his stay in the city while he outperforms in his study he befriends himself with young revolutionary and his small socialist group.

They are influenced by a swami who inculcates nationalist feeling in them describing small struggles of their nationalism.

The story also touches upon a mother's affection. Notable aspect is mothers regret and sacrifice on account of her superstition.

The story also touches upon the affection of a young girl sharbatiya towards a young kid out of his home.

Another character is named as Nilima which comes at a later stage of the story which highlights the adolescent love during those times.

The novel has major attebtion towards the group of young individuals and their nationalist agenda.

Why you should read this?
The simplicity of story and facts with small attention to detail is very soothing for any literary lovers.

This story is also a nostalgic reminder of love and affection around us.  

The title - Kitne Chaurahe in some part reminds you about the work of the great Shakespeare Seven stages of Life.

My recommendation - Do read this if you love literature and you care about the human emotions. The small details will keep you enchanted till the end.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Ranchi - For how long will this be your story?

It has been more than a decade since we had acquired the status of becoming a Sovereign State and I am still a bit tad fearful that I might be retracted to leave for my pronounced native state after this piece. My parents have been living in Ranchi from 1990s, if I am being that accurate enough. But, there’s one thing that I remember is spending my childhood here in the terrain witnessing the transformation of my city, or politically, more like a resurrection. Not until I was supposed to be a graduate I had to leave my city behind and then my journey began from Ranchi to Allahabad, Kerala, Mumbai, and all the way to Kharagpur.  During this period I worked under different roles until finally settling to be a student, again.

But, wherever I went there was this pulp to compare my origin and to find reasons to put ourselves on top. You could only guess how difficult sometimes they might be. Obviously, Jacuzzi-an climate was of great help, but, then I also witnessed things like internet and digitization during my journey and now, things started to get complicated. With all the hue and cry about “Swacch  Bharat” and “Digital India”, these past events came roaring to me.

Meanwhile, being a part of the abroad culture lavished my needs and I felt a dire need to make a few minor lifestyle changes and ironically, it all started with purchasing a full-time BSNL Broadband connection. Now, since, I had been accustomed to culture abroad, so, my expectations were huge and I was sure to be disappointed. But, anyway I went through with it and surely they disappointed me by laying connection under the promised time span. Yeah, I was elated and why wouldn't I be? Now, there was something to brag amongst everybody else.

But, as it’s very well said that eventually all good things must come to an end but here eventually came much too sooner. Within around a week the connection was not working… I was abroad (Abroad refers to outside geographical boundary of my sweet city (not outside country)) and when I ensured enquiries were made and complaints were filed. So, these are the few transcripts of the public service providers regarding my concerns -
  • Are ho jayega na kch din m theek, wo taar kaat diya road ko chowda karne k liye (Don’t worry it is just a matter a few days, wire has been cut on account of construction of road).
  • Abhi kb tk hoga iska to koi khabar nahi h, par ho jayega (We don’t know how much time will it take but, eventually it will be done).
  • Kahe pareshan h aap, jb theek hoga to aa jayega net (Why are you so damn worried, you will know once it will be done).”
These are the few versions of replies that I had encountered. But, the most heartening aspect is they are completely caught off guard with this. It appears as  if they had no plan, no idea regarding what needs to be done, why it needs to be done and, I wonder, how it needs to be done. Hence, I smiled when I remembered what my Mum used to say during my childhood days that everything rests in the hands of the almighty. Huh, finally found out why Mom's use to say that a lot and gave me a reason to pray, to look forward to heaven for the graces of the Holy Fathers and Mothers. Interestingly, we might well be ready to celebrate the ceremony or I wonder, already, anniversary celebrations might have been done with and I would have been late to join the party because no I did not count.

Want to hear more interesting stuff? Here’s one more! I have been receiving the bills monthly without fail and so have the others. When I enquired that since it is not functional why bother sending the bills? I received an apt reply let them keep coming and you just don’t bother them paying. So much, so good for the Save Tree, Save Paper campaign. And till date, I am receiving the bill of hope that someday there will be light and we will be enlightened. So let's keep 'em coming homey!

Aah! It looks so ugly to write about your own when you have witnessed the brevity of others.But, no wonder still, we are crying wolf for the DIGITAL INDIA. Then, also there is no rush towards promoting the clean India, green India campaign. Years back, there was a very good initiative that was undertaken by the Government to collect garbage from the societies to avoid improper spillage of garbage. It was another proudly moment that there is something that was essential for our sustainability and environment, our environment. The garbage collectors kept on changing scheduled and people were so grateful to them for their services. Now, rather than dumping of garbage here and there we were acting clean. Felt good to be organised again. But, again the curse of good fortune - Suddenly, they became engaged in their own tango to be the next busiest person to our Broadband agents. Technology already started to make life tougher. Garbage collection is no more a daily affair, but rather, this has become 3 day/ 4 day/ weekly/ bimonthly affair – but again who is counting. Accountability is not something that we keep in our closet. And, the interestingly fools keep on babbling about in their temples.

Amongst, all the other things if you can sense there is nothing more humorous than complaining in any GPSA – Government public service agency. The excuses, not only the reasons but their placid innocence, the childlike creativity, genuine ignorance and the tyrannical truthfulness, hope if our politicians should learn from them. These adjectives barely states how difficult their life has been due to all this evil technology. But, still, courageously they say we are here to collect, complaints at office only. And once you are going to their Digital India’s offline office co-operation needs no mentioning. There’s a dusting register who is waiting for you and a rusty pen protesting against the laws of nature. Sayin all day - "man you keep on writing ain’t got no time to look into your s**t, you keep mindin your own business and I ain’t mind my own."

These are just the experiences that I had observed that are there for a while and rather than fighting against it we are trying hard to adjust to it. So, amidst the resilience of Chennai flood survivors and our own Watergate trouble (dam water tale for some other time), I thought it is worth spreading. We separated from Bihar, not to go backward but to move forward and these small changes will finally lead towards greater good. Hope our government do get time to realize these basic amenities do need timely attention. It's easier to adapt, but, it is much more rewarding to pro-act.  

Key motives behind writing this piece:

  1. Around a year and still BSNL service provider unable to figure how to resurrect their broadband service.
  2. Service not running, still bill is sent every month.
  3. No clue about when service will be up.
  4. City garbage collector slackening, resulting in garbage spillage within societies.
  5. Offices aren't prominent enough to register and act in time.


Sunday, July 7, 2013

Crowned Bhim-A-shankar

Bhimashankar Trek
Foothills of sahyadris
July 7, was unlike any other ordinary night. The air had been filled with the silence of a grave. There had been a great sense of stillness all around. The usual night was appearing more enigmatic than itself with every passing moment, and the moon kept floating like an oasis in a dry, weary desert. Exuberance was on it's high and sleep had been miles away. The excitement of getting high, kept us high and awake. As the sun started to rise above the horizon, we also set forth with our sail.

Blue bus which, earlier, had the calmness of a blue sky, suddenly burst into flames with all sorts of chittering and chattering. Riveting enthusiasm kept flowing through the air, among vile of smoke and rich, soothing drizzle. The jolt begun with a few tongue-in-cheek along with ritual parodies. Finally, we decided to settle upon our uncanny singing abilities (May the Gods of music forgive us forever). The convoy had set forth on it's way,and the journey had begun. Sooner than later, all the great artisans of music were on a role, and, sweetness and melody were being challenged by cacophony and ruthlessness. The crowd started becoming vibrant and amalgamated with the passage of time.

Getting along these joyous moments, we reached to the foothills of Sahyadris. The tall mountain that had been waiting for us all along. We were all set to embrace ourselves upon this moment.
Bhimashankar Trek
Natural Flora
Amidst, all our joy, we began trekking with a lot to explore, and, a lot to implore. Cool breeze kept wandering along the green terrains and the sniveling sky kept drizzling every now and then. We walked a few steps to lay ourselves along lord Ganesha. The real show was about to begin. We were done with the trailor and the real movie was about to start. We gathered around, collected ourselves and began with a bang. The convoy had struck like a pack of wolves out for hunt.
Bhimashankar Trek

We moved ahead captivated and mesmerised within our creator's skills. Every object seemed to be in it's perfect order, as if, nothing could have been any better. Every piece of rock had its own architecture, own colour, own design, own imprint and it's own history. But, here they stood, standing together, holding each other in fire and rain, and in wind and in pain. We graced them with our smile and start racing ahead. Birds started chirruping coarsely, crabs started crawling surreptitiously and toads started galloping all around. Climbing every rock had it's own fun and while walking around we witnessed nature's most embracing gifts, accentuating waterfalls and remarkable beauty.

We rejuvenated ourselves by dipping deep within the freezing waterfalls.We curled, we rolled, we jumped and got lost amidst those frenzy streams. The cold, quivering stream swivelled every nook and corner of our body inspiring us to carry ourselves. We kept moving ahead, rested, caught our breath and kept moving along. People upfront kept pushing the tail, and, together we kept sailing north.

Moments came when we felt lost, we started doubting our leaders, ambiguity started creeping up, faith was about to be compromised, people started wondering and it looked as if they were about to question :

“Tu idhar, udhar ki na baat kar, yeh bta ki kaafila kyun luta

Hamein rehzanon se gila nahin, teri rehbari ka sawaal hai” 

But, the believe was still there, and we moved and kept moving until we reached, until we conquered, and until we were on top of ourselves. We felt tired, but we were happy, we were starving, but we were still celebrating. Nothing could beat the joy of conquering "The Bhimashankar". We happily prayed to Lord Shiva and reverted with the same enthusiasm that we had carried all along.
Bhimashankar Trek
Nature's Go Green 
Pics Courtesy @ Anirban Ghosh

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Book Review-----> The God of Small Things

The following book has been written by Arundhati Roy , way back in 1997. This was her 1st novel. Lately,she has been one of the contributers of the book We Are One: A Celebration of Tribal Peoples, released in October 2009. The God of small Things was awarded by Booker Prize in 1997 for its literary excellance. The novel reflects the childhood experiences of the twins "Esthappen & Rahel" who became victim of circumstances.The story moves in flashback & flash-forward.

The story starts from village Ayemenem , located in Kerala. Rahel & Estha are two egged twins whom 'Dizygotic' doctors called as born from separate but simultaneously fertilized eggs.The twins thought themselves together as me ,& separately ,individually as we or us.As they were a rarebreed ,physically different ,but with same identities.They used to have dreams about each other. The childhood hums with antagonism ,family pains bereavement.

Blind Mammachi , the twins' blind grandmother & founder of the 'The Paradise & Pickles ' suffers from her highly respected husband.  Mammachi falls in love with Irish Roman Catholic Priest & converted to his faith to win him ,but eventually , he converts himself to Hinduism. Mammachi's son Chako is divorced from his wife (she's an English )  & separated from his daughter , works in Paradise & Pickles. A communist at heart , flirting & sleeping with female employees .Ammu's twins mother ,divorced from his alcoholic husband.
The family tragedy revolves around Sophie mol (Chako's ex-wife) ,Estha experiencing horrible things in his childhood. The death of Sophie mol & the twins faith uncle Velutha ,thus, altering their lives for forever.

 Although the book contains blend of family emotions &tragedies faced by the young twins,properly atriculating their feelings & hardships,but,yet it's one of the difficult book for average readers. The author has preferred to express her feelings succinctly by throwing appropriate light upon each character. The book accumulates the beauty of language & thoughts, twisted & reshaped with absolute perfect sort of precision.  

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Life Sucks in Allahabad

    It  was bright morning of sep 23rd . Sun was blistering & the city had a silence of  the graveyard .All these events were pointing towards "typhoon " that was on its way ready to engulf  Allahabad. I heard people calling Allahabad as supine but it suddenly transformed into the "action" centre . Roads that were full of hustle & bustle became silent. The city is under the threat of communal riots. Activists knew that that this Government's Achilles heel lies here & they were on their act.I had a  deja vu of being sitting on the heap of explosives & demanding peace to myself. I was trapped up the creek without a paddle.                                  
    It was just 2 days ago I read one of the articles of Shobha De. It was about a boy in Mumbai. He being a bright student couldn't make to the top colleges of the city. The reason was neither due to his academic , or  curricular excellance but the sole reason was that he was a "Muslim". I was really overwhelmed by reading that article.                                                                                                                                                     
   We talk about we being a democratic republic where all religions,communities, castes & creed ,groups & ethics are given equal opportunities. The constitution doesn't deprive people of their rights & opportunities but these "educated"  people can. The future of a young kind is being doomed just because he is not born in a particular caste.
   This event has made me to think that we are laying down stress on educating people but this is what we are gaining from  our education. The act of civilizing people has eventually turned them into "devil". We fought one "Kargil " way back in 1999 to save our country & still many Kargils are to be fought within us  to protect our country.
   The education we are being given is not sufficient enough to purify our soul , to rinse our thought & to sanitise our action . Our consistent effort to develop the feeling of oneness has yet again suffered a setback. These communal tensions is gradually becoming an epidemic. The one who suffers the most are students. Students from different parts of the country come to take education but these unwanted circumstances didn't help their cause. The city which has always been known for spreading quality education is being held helpless with people willing to taste each other's blood .
     So, life sucks here. Education sucks...... and  country sucks.